Hi All
We have been recording & cataloguing precious moments of Indians In London friends and family, their expat social life in London since 2006 here on this Blog https://indiansinlondon.blogspot.com/ and on Official Indians In London Youtube Channel - this time consuming effort supported by team behind NRIApps.com and reputed IndiansInUK.info Guide and Official Meetup & FB IIL group & IndiansInUK.net founder https://www.facebook.com/simplynavin
We are continuing our tradition of Indians In London Socials & Meetups since 2006 via IndiansInLondon.net, Hi5, Orkut, Meetup.com and Facebook groups founded by Navin & friends & other friendly organisers. Some of those groups don't exist anymore. You are Welcome to JOIN OUR All present day Indians IN London social events FB & Meetup groups, Apps, Social Websites - links provided here http://nriapps.com/online-indian-hubs
This year on 04 Aug 2018 Biggest & Official IIL Group (20000+ members) https://www.facebook.com/groups/IndiansInLondonOfficial/ and Popular
Cool Desis Meetup Group #1 Young Indians - Events, Bollywood Nights & Movie Meetups Group
and other Lovely Friends of IIL groups from facebook, whatsapp, meetup are joining together to go to BourneMouth Beach Picnic Party Trip on 04 Aug 2018 Just like our tradition, we will share photos videos of the picnic here, on meetup facebook and whatsapp groups and also on Official Indians In London Youtube Channel
Official Links of the 04Aug18 picnic event Given Below. Please message Navin or any one of the Meetup Group's friends (add comments to meetup links) to get added to the whatsapp group for this Particular 04Aug Beach Picnic Event. Or Just Click/Tap here to join our FB IIL Friends WhatsApp Group https://chat.whatsapp.com/9FUrjbiwodh3YQ75Kt9tIF and ask for Information around 04Aug2018 Trip Whatsapp Group.
04Aug 2018 - 1Day BUS Trip,1Free Beer & VadaPao, Antakshari & Picnic at Bournemouth Beach - Official FB Event Link
Our Past Bus Trip Links & Photos
Cool Desis IsleOfWight Bus Trip - record your interest - 16 Aug 2014
Isle of wight Picnic on 30th Nov 2007
Poole (Dorset) - 7 April 2007 and
06Apr07-09Apr 07 Amsterdam Trip Via Bus
We welcome you all on this tripCheers!Navin :)